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I’ve Kissed the Son

첨부 1




Kiss the Son, kiss the One

Who for love to me has come,

Cheering me, charming me,

And has died upon the tree,

He died for me, saving me,

Now His Spirit joins to me,

I’ve kissed the Son!


1. Serving in my mingled spirit

In the gospel of His Son,

First receiving Christ the Spirit;

He’s the processed Triune One.


2. Jesus Christ in our experience

Is the worship God desires;

This true worshipping in spirit

Is the service God requires.


3. Serving Christ, just let Him kiss you,

Living with Him all the day,

Worshipping God by our living

Is the gospel-serving way.


4. In the Body let us serve Him,

Nothing natural, there, can be;

Through Christ’s death and resurrection,

Worship in reality.




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