킹제임스성경 히4:8은 잘못 번역되었다.
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히4:8이 킹제임스의 오역이라는 주장은 제 말이 아니라 오래된 그리고 자주 거론되는 이야기이지요. 검색을 해 보시면 아마 관련자료들이 나올 것같습니다. 히 4장은 구약의 '저희'와 복음을 받은 '우리'를 대비하여 설명하는 문장 구조입니다. 그 앞의 3장도 마찬가지이지요.
그렇다면 저희가 누구인지를 살펴보시면 그들과 예수님이 아무 상관이 없음을 아시게 될 것입니다. 그리고 구약의 여호수아(히브리어)가 신약의 예수(헬라어)라고 합니다. 이 부분은 원어를 아시는 분들이 확인해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 그러나 둘은 동일인이 결코 아니지요. 4장을 읽어가다보면 14절에 예수가 나옵니다. 8절의 예수와 14절의 예수는 동일인이 아닙니다.
마침 검색을 했더니 적당한 자료가 걸려 나오네요. 아래 내용도 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Acts 7:45 & Hebrews 4:8
Jesus, Joshua: What's The Difference Anyway?
Look at these two verses in the KJV:
Acts 7:45 (KJV) "Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David;"
Hebrews 4:8 (KJV) "For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day."
Comparing those verses with other versions, we see the following:
Reference | KJV | NKJV | NIV | NASB | RSV | YLT | ASV |
Acts 7:45 | Jesus | Joshua | Joshua | Joshua | Joshua | Joshua | Joshua |
Hebrews 8:4 | Jesus | Joshua | Joshua | Joshua | Joshua | Joshua | Joshua |
Looking at the context of these two verses, it is easily seen that they are referring to when Joshua was leading the Israelites into the promised land. So why does the KJV have "Jesus" in these two verses while the other translations have "Joshua"?
A look at the underlying Greek in these verses shows that "Iesous" is the name under discussion here. Everywhere else in the NT, it is translated correctly as "Jesus", because that's who it is referring to. However, in these two verses (Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8), the name is the same, but referring to Joshua of the Old Testament, not Jesus of the New.
The answer lies in the fact that the name "Joshua" in Hebrew ("Yahowshuwa", Strong's #3091) is the same name as "Jesus" in Greek ("Iesous", Strongs #2424).
The problem is that these two names are NOT equivalent in English. In Hebrew, there is one name "Yahowshuwa", and in Greek there is one name "Iesous". In English, we have two names, "Joshua" and "Jesus", so when the translators see "Iesous" in the Greek, they must choose which English name to use, since it can either mean "Jesus" or "Joshua". Context is the key, and the correct choice for Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8 is "Joshua".
(여호수아와 예수가 히브리어나 헬라어로는 같은 단어이나 영어는 분명히 다른 두 단어가 존재함으로 영어 번역자는 번역시 바르게 번역을 해 주어야 한다는 것입니다. 그러나 킹제임스역은 이 과정에서 하자가 있다는 것입니다.-nothing )
It's similar to the following silly example. Suppose we want to translate the sentences "Look at the elephant's long trunk. He uses it to spray water on himself." into another language. We do fine up to the word "trunk", because in English this single word can mean (among many other things) "an elephant's nose" or "a large case". In the language we want to translate this sentence into, suppose there are two entirely different words, one meaning "an elephant's nose", and the other meaning "a large case." Of course, the correct word to use in the translation, because of context, would be the one meaning "an elephant's nose", and it would be a translation error to instead use the word that means "a large case". The exact same thing is happening here when translating the Greek "Iesous" into English. In Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8, the Greek name "Iesous" should be translated as "Joshua", not "Jesus".
출처: http://www.kjv-only.com/acts7_45.html