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Crazy Lover of the Lord

첨부 1




1. I’m a crazy lover of the Lord!

Every day I love You more.

Your beauty has attracted me.

I’m longing for Your sweet embrace

Just to see You face to face.

I turn my heart a thousand times a day to say:


I love You!

Lord, I love You!

Yes, it’s true,

I’m in love with You!


2. I’m done with all formalities.

Lord, I simply want to be

In spirit where You live in me.

Everything I am, have, and can do

Only comes from loving You.

I turn my heart a thousand times a day to say:


I love You!

Lord, I love You!

Yes, it’s true,

I’m in love with You!



Forget about perfection.

Forget about correction.

Forget about what you are or what you aren’t.

(Forget about it!)

The Lord is always seeking

To spread throughout your being,

To make His home in all your heart

So turn your heart to Him and say:


I love You!

Lord, I love You!

Yes, it’s true,

I’m in love with You!

(sing twice)


I love You!



박수빈님 포함 1명이 추천

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