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태그 : 찬송
  • 하늘에서는 주 외에
    *작사:시73:25 / 작곡:주의신부* 하늘에서-는 주 외에 누가 내게 있으리-요 땅에서는 주밖에 나의 사모할 이- 없네 하늘에서-는 주 외에 누가 내게 있으리-요 땅에서는- 주밖에 나의 사모할 ...
  • God wants someone to love Him
    1. God wants someone to love Him, Not just someone to serve Him; He wants someone to love Him As His bride. God wants someone to match Him, Not just to imitate Him; He wants a coun...
  • 휘장 안으로
    *작사:Marysoo / 작곡:Marysoo* 변하지 않는 주님의 계획 변하지 않는 그분의 약속 우리는 긍휼을 입어 그 계획의 일부가 되고 우리는 인내를 가지고 견뎌 그 약속을 얻습니다 세상은 변하고 ...
  • Jesus, O living Word of God
    1. Jesus, O living Word of God, Wash me and cleanse me with Your blood So You can speak to me. Just let me hear Your words of grace, Just let me see Your radiant face, Beholding co...
  • Give yourself to love the Lord
    1. Give yourself to love the Lord. No other way is so prevailing And no other way, no other way is so safe. 2. Give yourself to love the Lord. No other way is so rich, And so full,...
  • 이제야 알았습니다
    *작사:David / 작곡:Eugene Lee* 이제야 알았습니다 주님 당신보다 나를 사랑했다는 것을 참으로 오랜 시간을 달리고 달려서 당신의 뜻 알았습니다 당신의 얼굴 한번 보기-까지 나의 눈은 내 ...
  • Lord, You are Beloved
    1. Lord, You are Beloved, Fairest of the fair; Altogether lovely, unrivaled beauty; It’s You! Your presence, I long for and seek; You’re the One in Whom my heart delights, So, I ju...
  • My inner parts have yearned for Him
    1. My inner parts have yearned for Him; To my Beloved I now open; My Beloved’s gone, He has withdrawn, I open but He was gone. I am sick with love, I am sick with love for Him. If ...
  • Lord Jesus, You're lovely
    1. Lord Jesus, You're lovely. You're more to be desired, Than any earthly pleasure. You're fine, beyond compare. Lord Jesus, Your beauty Does far exceed all others. You're comely a...
  • 누가 이기는 자인가
    *작사:Eugene Lee / 작곡:Eugene Lee* 1. 누가 이기는 자인가 하나님 갈망 위하여 죽음의 늪 거쳐서 생명 해방해 누가 이기는 자인가 모든 성도들 위하여 그들 고통 지고서 사망 맛보는 우리 ...
  • What love Thou hast bestowed on us
    1. What love Thou hast bestowed on us, We thank Thee from our heart; Our Father, we would worship Thee And praise for all Thou art. 2. Thy heart Thou hast revealed to us, Made know...
  • Rise Up, My Love
    Rise up, my love, my beautiful one, And come away, for behold, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. Flow’rs appear on the earth, The time of singing has come, And the voi...
  • If I gained the world, but lost the Savior
    1. If I gained the world, but lost the Savior, Were my life worth living for a day? Could my yearning heart find rest and comfort In the things that soon must pass away? If I gaine...
  • Sometimes we’re caught in a world full of baits
    1. Sometimes we’re caught in a world full of baits Tempting us to live our lives contrary to Your aim, But Your faithfulness and love and mercy Always will remain; Lord, turn us fu...
  • He Understands You Thoroughly
    1. He understands you thoroughly; There’s nothing He does not know. All your problems and weaknesses Don’t say it isn’t so! He’s your Helper, sympathizing. He’s the Spirit. Don’t n...
  • Lord Now I See
    1. Lord, now I see, You only want me to believe Not to change. In all my failures and defeats To believe what You have done, And not in what I see. 2. Lord I believe, When all arou...
  • Love is
    *작사:Witness Lee / 작곡:Ruth* 사랑은 하나님의 요소인 생명의 표현 생명이신 하나님 사랑 안에서 표현되네 사랑의 모든 미덕들은 바로 하나님 자신 그분의 생명의 거룩한 미덕-들 사랑은--...
  • Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus
    1. Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, Thou hast won each love from me; Who like Thee—so fair and comely? Who like Thee—so sweet and lovely? Matchless One, unrivaled beauty, None can ...
  • 주여 나의 온 존재가
    *작사:morningstar / 작곡:Eugene Lee* 주여 나의 온 존재가 당신께 열려 있길- 나-날이 당신-을 더욱더 의존하길 나날이 더욱 당신을 사-랑하길 나날이 당신-께 더욱 부드럽길 그렇게 여리고...
  • Such Faith and Love (Conclusion)
    Such faith and love are connected and go together: love comes from faith, and faith operates and works through love(Gal. 5:6). Love with faith enables us to love our Lord in incorr...