
지방교회 찬송자료를 나누기 위한 게시판입니다.

  • 검색
태그 : 찬송
  • Fallen, that’s the way we all begin
    1. Fallen, that’s the way we all begin: Imprisoned by the evil fate we’re in. How can we from this hard world of sin be saved? Just by calling, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.“ Every moment,...
  • 주님 뜻 여기에 있어
    *작사:Eugene Lee / 작곡:Eugene Lee* 주님 뜻 여기에 있어 우리 작은 횃불 들었네 온- 땅을 비추기 위해 영광의 새벽 위해 세상의 파도 헤치고 우리 함께 돛을 올렸네 참된 진리 생명의 말씀...
  • 시대적인 전환을 위해
    *작사:Eugene Lee / 작곡:Eugene Lee* 나의 눈을 열어 주소서 시대적인 전환을 위해 수정처럼 맑은 하늘을 주소서 하나님의 신약경륜과 과정을 거치신 주님과 유기적인 몸인 교회를 보도록 하...
  • Oneness
    Oneness is not unity, Outward agreement But a life within— God’s very life! The Triune God—included us In His divine— Oneness—Oneness. That they all may be one; Even as You Father,...
  • The gift of righteousness
    1. The gift of righteousness is measured in abundance, The depth of His love I'll never understand. His love reaches me and you; His mercy goes farther too. The One on the throne o...
  • Lovers of Christ
    1. Lovers of Christ in His ascension— Enjoy the riches of His life. She becomes His private garden With its fountain, fruit, and spice. Christ is hers and she is Christ's dear love...
  • The love of Christ is now constraining me
    1. The love of Christ is now constraining me That I would love and love Him utterly. His mighty love has touched me deep within To consecrate my life and all to Him. This charming ...
  • Many weary years I vainly sought a spring
    1. Many weary years I vainly sought a spring, One that never would run dry; Unavailing all that earth to me could bring, Nothing seemed to satisfy. Drinking at the Fountain that ne...
  • 내 마음에서 흘러나오네
    *출처:Hymnal.net / 번안:Praisenote* 1. 내 마음에서 흘러나오네 당신을 향한 기쁨의 노래 오 주 예수여 사랑해 내 영과 마음 다해 당신을 찬양하리 당신의 존재와 당신의 행함의 풍성 항상 ...
  • I love Thee, Jesus
    1. I love Thee, Jesus, And Thy love to me Draws me, ever to seek Thee And run after Thee, Draws me, ever to seek Thee And run after Thee. Thou art beloved, Yea! Altogether lovely, ...
  • I’m thankful that God has placed me
    1. I’m thankful that God has placed me With you to build up His Body. Christ in you is the hope for me! You also need Christ lived in me. I live, if you stand firm in the Lord. You...
  • 마음에 외치는 소리
    *작사:사40:3-4, Eugene Lee / 작곡:Eugene Lee* 나의 마음속에 광활한 들판 많은 골짜기와 높은 봉우리 주의 생명 흐르기 너무나도 어려워 나의 탄식 깊어만 가네 하나님의 모든 말-씀으로 ...
  • 우리는 들을 수 있죠
    *작사:morningstar / 작곡:Eugene Lee* 모든 하락된 세상 속에서도 어디선가는 분-명 이 모든 것 위에 서는 것이 있겠죠 그대 나의 친구-여 이런 타락된 가운데서 오히려 이김을 요구하시죠 ...
  • We have seen Christ is reality
    1. We have seen Christ is reality: But it’s not sufficient just to see: He in our experience must be Everything to us. We in prayer behold Him face to face, In the Word and meeting...
  • My heart longs for absolute surrender
    1. My heart longs for absolute surrender That I’d wholly consecrated be, Not in word alone but all my being Would be fully given unto Thee. 2. There is little willingness within me...
  • 하나님의 꿈
    *출처:Hymnal.net / 번안:Praisenote* 하나님은 꿈을 갖고 계셔요 당신과 나는 이 꿈을 보았죠 하나님과 오 하나가 되는 꿈 당신과 내 안에서 그의 꿈은 실현되죠 하나님의 거처가 되어요 그...
  • Take time to behold Him
    1.Take time to behold him, Speak oft with Thy Lord, Abide in Him always, And feed on His Word. Wait thou in his presence, Submissive and meek, Forgetting in nothing His blessing to...
  • Thou Breath from still eternity
    1. Thou Breath from still eternity Breathe o’er my spirit’s barren land— The pine tree and the myrtle tree Shall spring amid the desert sand; And where Thy living water flows The w...
  • Life's Development For God's Purpose
    1. Day 1, You came to me, Brooding so tenderly. You spoke a word to me, And light did shine. My darkness You effaced, My emptiness replaced; The gospel's light erased My hist'ry va...
  • A life of no regrets
    What caused Mary to give her all? What moved Peter to answer Your call? Many lives were wasted for Your testimony; Oh Lord, why do these people care so much for Thee? See the visio...