
지방교회 찬송자료를 나누기 위한 게시판입니다.

  • 검색
  • Drink! A river pure and clear that’s flowing from the throne
    1. Drink! A river pure and clear that’s flowing from the throne; Eat! The tree of life with fruits abundant, richly grown; Look! No need of lamp nor sun nor moon to keep it bright,...
  • Let us come forward
    Let us come forward To the Holy of Holies With a true heart In full assurance of faith, (2x) Having, having our hearts Sprinkled, sprinkled from and evil conscience And having our ...
  • I Love My Master
    1. I love my Master, and I will not go out free. For He has died for me, the highest price He has paid for me. I love my Master, I will serve Him willingly. Remaining near, and clo...
  • All Things Work Together
    Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated To be conformed to the image of His Son, That He might be the Firstborn among many brothers; And those whom He predestinated, ...
  • Lo! in heaven Jesus sitting
    1. Lo! in heaven Jesus sitting, Christ the Lord is there enthroned; As the man by God exalted, With God’s glory He is crowned. 2. He hath put on human nature, Died according to God...
  • In Nothing be Anxious
    In nothing be anxious, but in everything, By prayer and petition with thanksgiving, Let your requests be made known to God; And the peace of God, Which surpasses every man's unders...
  • But Flee Youthful Lusts
    1. If therefore anyone cleanses himself from these, He will be a vessel unto honor sanctified, Useful to the master, Prepared unto every good work, unto every good work. A vessel u...
  • 복음의 빚
    *작사:사두환 / 작곡:Eugene Lee* 1. 나는 세상 사람들에게 복음의 빚을 졌어요 이 빚을 갚기 위하여 고난의 길을 택했네 주님이 세상에서- 걸어가신 길을 나를 위해 나를 위해 남-겨 두-셨네...
  • It is by Such Faith
    It is by such faith that we receive and enjoy- the divine life that is revealed and ministered to us in the entire Gospel of John, and it is by such love that we love the Lord and ...
  • Where is the House
    Where is the house you’ll build for Me, And the place of My rest? Where then is the house you’ll build for Me, And the place of My rest? Heaven is My throne, and the ea...
  • My old man has been crucified with Him
    1. My old man has been crucified with Him, With all its foul corruption deep within; And buried too its nature serpentine, Completely finished—this great fact is mine, I hold it fa...
  • That’s Why I Love Him
    1. What about my sinful past? And my conscience has no rest. Deep within I feel the pain. I’m condemned from all my guilty stains. 2. O my life of misery, In this world of vanity, ...
  • Two Inseparable, Excellent Virtues
    Faith and love are two inseparable, excellent virtues of the believers in Christ Faith is given to us by God that by it we may receive Christ the embodiment of the Triune God and b...
  • 사랑의 음성을
    *작사:Eugene Lee / 작곡:May Lee* 사랑의 음성을 나는 듣고 있어요 나를 바라보는 그 다정한 모습도 나의 맘에 세미한 소리로 부르시어 그의 길을 함께 가자 말씀해 주셨죠 우리 이제 같은 ...
  • In the bosom of the Father
    1. In the bosom of the Father, Ere the ages had begun, Thou wast in the Father’s glory, God’s unique begotten Son. When to us the Father gave Thee, Thou in person wast the same, Al...
  • 주님 살 수 있는 새날 주심을
    *출처:Hymnal.net / 번안:Overcomers* 주님 살 수 있는 새날 주심을 감사드려 또 하루를 주님과 한 영 됨 훈련하도록 기억게 하사 내 자신을 부인하고 신뢰치 않고 내 자신 살지 않게 나를 강...
  • Have you seen God’s salvation
    1. Have you seen God’s salvation? Do you feel His provision? Have you won the victory o’er the flesh? Have you entered the kingdom of God? Have you climbed the mountain? Are you in...
  • A higher view
    Prod me with Your loving hands, Stir me from my deep impasse. I long to flee this stagnant rut; My soul, my prison, deadened lot, Which end is just to taste Your wrath; So set me o...
  • The Lord shall get the glory / 우리 주 찬송할때
    1. The Lord shall get the glory If we will sing His praise, And angel hosts will listen When we our voices raise; The world around will hear us Give glory unto God, And Satan’s hos...
  • And let them make a sanctuary for Me
    1. And let them make a sanctuary for Me, That I may dwell in their midst, Our prayer is “Lord, we give ourselves to Thee, We’ll be the builders for Your economy.” Under a clear sky...