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댓글 1

유유 2017.10.21. 17:04
애들이 참 귀엽네 ㅋㅋ
권한이 없습니다. 로그인


"님의 댓글"

이 댓글을 신고 하시겠습니까?


"님의 댓글"

이 댓글을 삭제하시겠습니까?

  • Hidden Behind Every Scene
    1. Hidden behind every scene, Lovingly, sweetly operating, One who is sovereign and wise, Patiently guides even our eyes. Look at My Son, the Beloved, Sitting here at My right hand...
  • There’s a Man in the glory
    1. There’s a Man in the glory Whose Life is for me. He’s pure and He’s holy, Triumphant and free. He’s wise and He’s loving How tender is He! His Life in the glory, My life must be...
  • 성숙의 과정
    *출처:Hymnal.net / 번안:Praisenote* 주권적으로 사람과 일과 사건을 사용해 우리 안의 모든 것을 비우고 점유하던 것 제거함으로 우리의 용량을 증가되게 함으로 우리가 하나님으로 채워지...
  • 난 슬프지 않아
    *작사:허인혁 / 작곡:조종영* 1. 낙망하고 피곤한 하루를 보내었나요 세상의 힘겨움과 고통 속에 그대 슬퍼하셨나요 그럴 땐 지체의 음성을 들어보-세요 함께 기도 안에서- 위로를 얻죠- 느낄...
  • 주님 안에서 거하기 원해
    *작사:J. Denham Smith / 작곡:Eugene Lee* 1. 주님 안에서 거하기 원해 늘 주와 끊어지지 않도록 포도나무가 연결되듯이 나 또한 주님 안에 거하리 2. 주 안에 거해 풍성 누릴 때 나 통해 주...
  • God Needs the Overcomers
    1. God used John, the Baptist, Who left his home and good past; Left the religion of his age. He turned from the oldness, And spoke the Word with boldness, Repent and leave this cr...
  • Jesus Lord, I just love You
    1. Jesus Lord, I just love You. You’ve attracted me, and my heart renewed. I pursue You like a dove; I belong to You, and You’re my Beloved. Everything under the sun is vanity: It’...
  • This is my wonderful story
    1. This is my wonderful story, Christ to my heart has come; Jesus, the King of Glory, Finds in my heart a home. Christ in me, Christ in you, Christ in us, O wonderful story, Christ...
  • The love of Christ is Christ Himself
    The love of Christ is Christ Himself. Just as Christ is immeasurable, So also is His love; Hence, it is knowledge surpassing. Yet we can know it by experiencing it. When Christ mak...
  • Lord Jesus, draw me
    1. Lord Jesus, draw me one step further; Draw me, Lord from where I am. I’ve been here too long already. Move me, Lord, I know You can. 2. Your whisper, Lord, so softly sounding, D...
  • O there’s One in me
    1. O there’s One in me who Is the most lovely One In the whole universe— I just love Him. 2. He has made me fall in love With Him more and more each day: And for now th...
  • 시대적인 전환을 위해
    *작사:Eugene Lee / 작곡:Eugene Lee* 나의 눈을 열어 주소서 시대적인 전환을 위해 수정처럼 맑은 하늘을 주소서 하나님의 신약경륜과 과정을 거치신 주님과 유기적인 몸인 교회를 보도록 하...
  • Create in me a clean heart, O God
    Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within me. Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence; Ta...
  • 그 의의 선물은
    *출처:Hymnal.net / 번안:Praisenote* 1. 그 의의 선물은 오 측량할 수 없네 그 사랑의 깊이는 알 수 없어 그 사랑이 임했네 멀리 미치는 긍휼도 보좌 위에 계신 어린양 인해 마음을 열고 주...
  • O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore
    1. O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore, Though all things around us be trying, Though floods of affliction like sea billows roar, It’s better to sing than be sighing. Then rejoic...
  • As the body is the fulness
    1. As the body is the fulness To express our life, So to Christ the Church, His Body, Doth express His life. 2. E’en as Eve is part of Adam Taken out of him, So the Church is Chris...
  • 이기는 자들은
    *작사:Hannah / 작곡:Eugene Lee* 1. 이기는 자들은 자아 생명 죽음에 두며 다른 사람들로 하여금 생명 얻게 하네 이기는 자들은 한 무리의 개척자들로 흑암 중에 먼저 길 열어 다른 사람 통...
  • I love You, Lord Jesus
    I love You, Lord Jesus! I love, You, Lord, Precious One! No other one compares to You! (Repeat) Jesus, Lord Jesus, Dear Lord, most lovely One, No one compares to You!
  • Triune God, We Love You
    Jesus, we love You, We’re glad You came; Jesus, we love You! We call Your name; Your life impart; Breathe now into our heart; Jesus, we love You so! Spirit, we love You, Reality! S...
  • Through God’s word, my hope at His returning
    1. Through God’s word, my hope at His returning Is that all my being be redeemed; Yet in times of grief and tribulation, Doubt and fear arise, no hope is seen. In those hours, when...