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A Person of Life




1. When I first believed, and His life I received,
The seed was sown into me.
Now this seed must grow, and this zoe life flow
As on to maturity.

Am I a person of life?
Do I experience life?
Does my living bear the issues of life?
Good trees bear good fruit;
Healthy plant, healthy root;
Oh Lord! The ground in my heart!

2. We know that life’s seed is growing indeed
When fruits of life are expressed
Such as virtues of joy, peace, faithfulness, love.
Does my daily life pass the test?

3. When these virtues show others surely will know
The beauty of life will shine,
And the gospel word of life will be heard
Bringing many to know life divine!

4. Lord grant me today, a new start in this way.
A person of life I would be—
Just expressing You in all that I do.
Oh may this life flow out of me!




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태그 : 찬송
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