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Lovers of Christ




1. Lovers of Christ in His ascension—
Enjoy the riches of His life.
She becomes His private garden
With its fountain, fruit, and spice.
Christ is hers and she is Christ's dear love.

2. She is as beautiful as Tirzah
As lovely as Jerusalem.
Through her living in Christ's ascension
Her dear heart is now His home.
She's become the sanctuary of God.

3. Who is this woman I am seeing?
Shining forth as the moon and sun.
She is absolutely heavenly,
From the old creation free;
Overcoming all to live within the veil.

4. An army terrible with banners
Christ's lovers overcome to be.
Those attracted by His beauty,
Fully trusting in His power.
Her romance is now the dances of two camps.

5. The Shulamite, His duplication,
His counterpart has now become.
She's the same in life and nature,
His expression to the full;
Consummated as the New Jerusalem.




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