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A life of no regrets




What caused Mary to give her all?
What moved Peter to answer Your call?
Many lives were wasted for Your testimony;
Oh Lord, why do these people care so much for Thee?

See the vision of Christ and the church;
Count the cost; reckon all things as loss;
Pay the price. The prize to gain Christ,
Burn the bridges; leave the world behind;
On God's economy your heart be set
To live a life of no regrets.

Others have considerations,
When serving You, Lord, is the highest profession.
No longer good for the world with all its glory,
We're for Christ and the church, 'tis now our testimony.

See the vision of Christ and the church;
Count the cost; reckon all things as loss;
Pay the price. The prize to gain Christ,
Burn the bridges; leave the world behind;
On God's economy your heart be set
To live a life...

We've seen the vision of Christ and the church.
Reckoned the cost; all things are but loss.
Will pay the price — give all of our lives;
We're burning bridges, left the world behind.
On God's economy our hearts are set
We're living a life...
On God's economy our hearts are set,
We'll live a life of no regrets.




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다음글 : Christ liveth in me
이전글 : Come, Lord Jesus

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