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Immersed in Thy love




1. Immersed in Thy love;
Fresher than morning dew;
Here I’m kept away from every earthly care.
Such tender feeling;
Caressed by my Beloved;
You’re the loveliest, much fairer than the fair.

Moments with You,
How affectionate!
Now I seize this opportunity to say
That I love You.
I will be with You all my days, come what may.

2. I cannot help it,
I’m so in love with You;
For I’ve tasted Your divine heavenly wine.
I’m soaked with Thy love,
I pour my all on You.
What my future holds for me, my Lord are Thine.

3. I’m so attracted
By Your constraining love,
And Your Name is sweet as ointment poured forth.
I’m captivated
By Your dear Person, Lord.
Draw me from this age to pursue only You...




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