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Lord, deeper make Thy home in me




1. Lord, deeper make Thy home in me
'Til ev'ry room belong to Thee,
That Thou might fully make me Thee
And so full rest Thou have in me.

2. So also deeper into Thee
I'd make my home, my rest in Thee;
A pillar in Thy temple be
And stay in Thee eternally.

3. Thy precious blood was shed that we
Could closer, closer, closest be;
In resurrection brought to Thee
That we might be as one as Thee.

4. My lovely Lord, my dear Bridegroom,
In trust I open ev'ry room;
This mind, emotion, will be Thine;
When Thou hast rest, that rest is mine.

5. Oh mystery of mysteries--
Lord, Thou in me and I in Thee!
The church, Thy temple -- we to Thee,
And Thee our tabernacle be.

6. Lord, make Thy home more ev'ry day,
'Til one with Thee in ev'ry way,
'Til on me write Thy holy name,
'Til on me write Thy city's name.

7. Lord, Thou art me and I am Thee,
As lovers coinhering, we;
Soon then shall come eternity
When God and man dwell mutually.




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