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Lord You're Altogether Lovely




1. Lord You're altogether lovely,
You're fairer than the morning
You're matchless, sweet, unrivaled
You're far beyond compare.

Amazing love You have outpoured
How could I but love You, Lord
Stepping out of glory
Son of Man reaching me.

2. Lord, You sought me and pursued me
Until You won me completely
With love eternal ever new
Lord my eyes see only You

Joy unspeakable fills my being
Perfect love has captured me
Now together we abide
I am Yours, and You are mine.

3. Let me linger in this sweetness
Remain here in Your presence
Lost within Your beauty
Sweet foretaste of eternity

As our hearts blend into one
How I long for Your return
Come Beloved. Satisfy
Your longing for a match, a bride.




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