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God’s economy is His plan to dispense Himself




1. God’s economy is His plan to dispense Himself
Into His chosen, predestinated, and redeemed people
As their life (as their life), their life supply, (their life supply)
And their everything
To produce (to produce), constitute (constitute),
And build up the organic Body of Christ,
Which consummates the New Jerusalem.

2. God’s eternal economy
Is to make man the same as He is
In life and nature but not in the Godhead
And to make Himself one with man
And man one with Him,
Thus to be enlarged
And expanded in His expression,
That all His divine,
That all His divine attributes
May be expressed in human virtues.

3. God’s economy and goal
According to His heart’s desire
Are to build Himself into our being
And to build us into His being
In order to mingle His divinity with our humanity
Into one entity (one entity)—
The Body of Christ,
Which consummates the New Jerusalem,
Which consummates the New Jerusalem.




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