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오 영광스러운 신성한 사랑

*출처:Hymnal.net / 번안:Praisenote*

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  • And we have the prophetic word
    And we have the prophetic word Made more firm, to which you do well To give heed as to a lamp Shining in a dark place, Until the day dawns And the morning star Rises in your hearts...
  • As the body is the fulness
    1. As the body is the fulness To express our life, So to Christ the Church, His Body, Doth express His life. 2. E’en as Eve is part of Adam Taken out of him, So the Church is Chris...
  • As virgins we must be wise and pure
    1. As virgins we must be wise and pure, So single to You, Lord to grow and mature. We’re going forth to meet You, our Bridegroom so sweet, Our touch with You, Jesus, must be intima...
  • Back in My Father’s House Again!
    1. I’m so happy here, With my Father dear, Once lost, now I’m near again! (It was) First His smiling face, Then His warm embrace, I’m surprised by grace again! I was lost, now I’m ...
  • Begin the day with God
    1. Begin the day with God, He really wants you to Hoping you’ll let Him come and spend the day with you. Rise up! Don’t wait! You’ll miss the Son. It’s the best part of the day. Hi...
  • Believe, call, love
    Lord Jesus, You're so lovely I'm so attracted by Your love To me, You are the only One When I behold You Jesus I'm captivated by Your face Just You alone There's nothing else I wan...
  • But Flee Youthful Lusts
    1. If therefore anyone cleanses himself from these, He will be a vessel unto honor sanctified, Useful to the master, Prepared unto every good work, unto every good work. A vessel u...
  • But for Me I Will Wait on Jehovah
    But for me, I will wait on Jehovah; I will look for the God of my strength; In the darkness Jehovah will shine like a light; Let my enemies no more rejoice. For I fall, but then I ...
  • But holding to truth in love
    But holding to truth in love We may grow up in all things Into Him who is the Head Christ is the Head Out from Whom all the Body Being joined together and Being knit together throu...
  • But to Him who is able to do superabundantly
    But to Him who is able Able to do superabundantly Above all that we ask or think, According to the power Which operates in us, To Him be the glory in the church And in Christ Jesus...
  • But whoever drinks
    But whoever drinks of the water That I will give him Shall by no means thirst forever; But the water that I will give him Will become in him A fountain of water Springing up into e...
  • Butterflies, God's Economy, and You
    1. Do you know that you have a special portion of Christ unique to you? And it may just be true that person 'cross the room can benefit from the Christ in you. Though you may have ...
  • Choose to Be an Overcomer
    1. Noah’s life was one that surely changed the age, When he found the grace of God; He was not afraid to stand against the world, So he built the ark of wood. Would you choose to b...
  • Christ has come to be life
    1. Christ has come to be life, the processed divine Trinity. God the Father’s the source, a fountain emerging to be. God the Son as a gushing up spring, And the Spirit’s a river fo...
  • Christ Has Proclaimed the Jubilee
    1. I was so full, but still so poor, Still empty as I grasped for more. Then I received the glorious Christ; He’s now my portion, grace, and life! Christ has proclaimed the j...
  • Christ has put on human nature
    1. Christ has put on human nature and become a man like me, He has died upon the cross that I from Adam might be free, He has risen and as Spirit He has come to live in me That He ...
  • Christ is Everything for God's Building
    Christ is everything for God's building, and as the engraved stone with seven eyes, the topstone of grace, Christ is everything for God's building, and as the engraved ston...
  • Christ liveth in me
    1. Once far from God and dead in sin, No light my heart could see; But in God's Word the light I found, Now Christ liveth in me. Chorus: Christ liveth in me, Christ liveth in me; O...
  • Come and rejoice with me
    1. Come and rejoice with me! For once my heart was poor, And I have found a treasury Of love, a boundless store. 2. Come and rejoice with me! I, once so sick at heart, Have met wit...
  • Come away to Me
    1. Hear me o Lord when I cry My heart is so cold All things around me cloud Thy sight But then I hear You say Come away from where you are Come away turn your heart I hear you say ...