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Lord grant me today's supply of grace



Lord, grant me today’s supply of grace;
May Your divine life grow apace;
Little by little, day by day, to grow
More and more, into You.

1. Day by day, bit by bit, life will grow as is fit,
Increasing gradually until,
However imperceptibly,
Your life matures within me.

2. I would be desperately, constantly, patiently,
Drawing each breath of life from You, Lord;
Knowing that every day while I breathe,
Your life will permeate me.

3. Every day, may I rest, knowing that each bequest,
Matches my daily need exactly;
Jesus Christ intercedes for me,
A member of His body.

Lord, grant me a heavenly, corporate view;
That all of my growth and prayers to You,
Little by little, day by day,
Would cause building up into You.

4. We would be corporately, growing up steadily
Till we reach the stature of Your fullness;
Transforming and conforming us, Your
Manifested people.

Lord, grant me today’s supply of grace;
May Your divine life grow apace;
Little by little, day by day, to grow
More and more, into You.

Lord, grant me a heavenly, corporate view;
That all of my growth and prayers to You,
Little by little, day by day,
Would cause building up into the New Jerusalem.




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다음글 : Rise Up, My Love

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