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Stone-ify me for Your building

첨부 1


1. Stone-ify me for Your building,
I desire a home for Thee.
Let me share Your dream of Bethel;
Duplicate Your heart in me.
Burn, refine away the nat’ral;
Transformed preciousness I’d be;
Lord, perfect me as a pillar,
Standing solid, weightily.

2. Ankle-holder, a supplanter;
My demands to God I bring.
If God keeps me, clothes and feeds me,
Him I’ll own as God, my King.
Chosen ere the earth’s foundation;
“Israel,” I to blessing cling.
Though I suffer, squeezed by Laban,
I am sheltered ’neath Your wing.

3. Ladder joining earth and heaven,
Make my heart Your dwelling place.
Burden me to build Your house, Lord;
For this now I consecrate.
Pillars stand—“He will Establish,”
“In Him’s Strength”—of truth the base.
Gain me to enlarge Your temple,
Testimony propagate.

4. While I pass through tribulations,
Situations heated press.
Let me see Your hand most sovereign;
Oil anointing on me dress.
All my days, Your presence filleth;
Life and nature, God express,
Leaning on You, Staff, my Shepherd,
Flowing out to others bless.

5. Stone-ify me for Your building,
I desire a home for Thee.
Let me share Your dream of Bethel;
Duplicate Your heart in me.
Burn, refine away the nat’ral;
Transformed preciousness I’d be;
Lord, perfect me as a pillar,
Standing solid, weightily.


뵈뵈님 포함 1명이 추천

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