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Has the wine run dry so soon




Has the wine run dry so soon?
I have barely tasted it;
Long before my tongue has quenched its thirst,
Has the wine run dry?

I have spent my final dime
On the thing I thought would last,
But as soon as I held it, it slipped away,
Now Im still so dry.

I have climbed the highest peak;
Took me twenty years to train;
As I reach the top, I looked around and all I saw:
Vanity thats all.

I have probed the greatest minds,
Ive believed in every cause,
But my heart wont hear philosophy or reasonings,
Left again dissatisfied.

Took me too, too long to see
That this worlds all vanity;
Ive been through too much to just pretend its all okay;
Give me reality.

On my deepest, darkest night,
On my knees I cried aloud,
Someone came to me, he changed my
death to eternal life,
Gave me meaning, reason to live.

I will call upon His name,
I will draw this well and drink;
When I call His name, Jesus Lord, the waters flow;
Thats the name I love.

All this time it was just Him,
He has saved the best for last;
Now Ive finally found the wine that wont run dry.
And Hes the sweetest wine of all.



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