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Lord, here I am

첨부 1


1. Lord, here I am - what do You see?
I open to Your searching, seeking, burning eyes.
Infuse Yourself into me, Lord,
That my heart's goal would be
Your ultimate desire and move.

What is my part, in Your move?
I look to You, the Lamb,
To settle now my course;
I give my heart, Lord, now to prove,
I'll be Your living witness in my daily life.

2. We have no hope apart from You;
For us to live is Christ and all things else are loss.
Lord, here we are, fill us now;
Your call we'll answer and with all the saints pursue.

What is our part, in Your move?
We look to You, the Lamb,
To settle now our course;
We give our heart, Lord, now to prove,
We'll be Your living witness in our daily life.

3. Now here we are, with open heart;
We're here to bear the ultimate responsibility.
We know Your heart. and know our part;
In the producing of Your bride, the one new man.

We've found our part in Your move;
We've looked to You, the Lamb,
To settle now our course
Fulfill our call; Christ as our all,
Living to You for Your ultimate move!



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다음글 : This Divine Power
이전글 : 이기는 자들은

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