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It is God’s intent and pleasure

첨부 1


1. It is God’s intent and pleasure
To have Christ revealed in me,
Nothing outward as religion,
But His Christ within to be.

It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ be wrought in me;
Nothing outwardly performing,
But His Christ my all to be.

2. It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ may live in me;
Nothing as an outward practise,
But Christ working inwardly.

3. It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ be formed in me;
Not the outward forms to follow,
But Christ growing inwardly.

4. It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ make home in me;
Not just outwardly to serve Him,
But Christ dwelling inwardly.

5. It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ my hope may be;
It is not objective glory,
But ‘tis Christ subjectively.

6. It is God’s intent and pleasure
That His Christ be all in me;
Nothing outwardly possessing,
But His Christ eternally.



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