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No mortal tongue can e’er describe

첨부 1


1. No mortal tongue can e’er describe
The freedom of the soul,
When passed beyond all earthly bribe
To God’s complete control.

All things are his, yes, life, and death,
Things present or to come;
In Christ he draws in peace each breath,
In Christ he finds his home.

2. When such as we the King can choose,
To share with Him His throne,
’Tis passing strange that we refuse
To be our Lord’s alone.

O never speak of sacrifice!
A privilege untold
Is to be His at any price,
In Calv’ry’s hosts enrolled.

3. Arise! the holy bargain strike—
The fragment for the whole—
All men and all events alike
Must serve the ransomed soul.

All things are yours when you are His,
And He and you are one;
A boundless life in Him there is,
And kingdom yet to come.



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