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Hear the Lord

첨부 1


Hear the Lord He’s calling onward
Heed His Word His cry is upward
Each day we climb a little higher
To carry on we need to take a deeper breath

See the Lord is not far from you
He will not only bare it with you
No need to struggle any longer
He wants to be the very one to take your place

All we need is in the breath
Love and light, peace and rest
Count the cost pay the price
Receive the gift of eternal life
Call oh Lord let Him in and just love Him

The ordinary’s what He’s after
However small to Him it matters
To be your all He’s more than willing
Only requires us to lean on the Beloved

Day by day we grow into Christ
Permeated at the speed of Life
Get more God, be more human
Let His light shine from within
More of Him, we decrease
This our blessed destiny
To reign in life as His Bride we just love Him.


예수님께영광님 포함 1명이 추천

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