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Oh, The flowing Triune God

첨부 1


1. Oh! The flowing Triune God!
Oh! How He satisfies all!
He is so available!
Every time I call!

God the Father is the source,
Christ the Son is the course,
And the Spirit is the flow,
I now can enjoy!

Grace as a river shall flow!
Oh, what blessing! I'm in this flow!
Grace as a river shall flow!
Life forevermore!

2. No more I struggle in vain,
Trying in myself to gain,
For I have this living flow,
Life-imparting flow!

No other source do I know,
Daily this water I draw,
Life and peace! The flow has all!
Oh! The flowing Triune God!

Grace as a river shall flow!
Just drink and be in this flow!
Grace as a river shall flow!
Life forevermore!


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