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God Needs the Overcomers

첨부 1




1. God used John, the Baptist,
Who left his home and good past;
Left the religion of his age.
He turned from the oldness,
And spoke the Word with boldness,
Repent and leave this crooked age.

God needs the overcomers,
Our dear Lord Jesus lovers!
Make us those who live to turn the age!
God needs the overcomers,
Our dear Lord Jesus lovers!
Make us those who consummate the age!

2. God called Saul of Tarsus,
For His own plan and purpose,
Who became Paul, the Apostle;
He saw a heav’nly vision,
Where there is no division,
In the one Body of the Lord.

3. God called Timothy, now,
Like-souled with Paul, who knew how
To pray and be soaked in the Word;
His spirit fanned into flame,
Lord, make my spirit the same,
An overcoming man of God!

Make us the overcomers,
Christ’s bride, and God’s age-turners.
Make us those who consummate the age!



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