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Man’s Creator has a purpose

첨부 1




1. Man’s Creator has a purpose
For our being here on earth.
In His image we’re created,
To express His rule on earth.
But man fell to Satan’s tempting;
Thus God’s goal was hid from view.
Still our God will have His kingdom,
For His Son will see it through.

Jesus Christ will get His kingdom
In spite of Satan and his plans;
He’s getting something real and solid
By growing in the hearts of man.
It’s nothing like religion teaches:
“You have to wait until you die.”
For the kingdom Christ is building,
Is here on earth before our eyes.

2. His Son, Jesus, is our Savior.
Once in human form He came.
Now as Spirit He can enter
As the breath of life to man.
As a seed within our spirit
Christ takes root and starts to grow,
Spreading in our inmost being
Till His life we come to know.

3. Time is short, oh, brothers, hear it,
Christ is longing for His Bride.
We can hasten His returning
Simply by the growth in life.
No more struggling, no more striving,
Simply turn to Christ within.
See the seed begin to blossom.
Growing fully into Him.

Jesus Christ will get His kingdom
By growing in the normal way.
It’s not an instant transformation;
This growth goes on from day to day.
The seed of life is all-inclusive.
It’s got everything we’ll ever need;
Yes, our God’s eternal purpose
Is all within this precious seed.




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