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God is love

첨부 1




1. God is love, Who sent His beloved Son.
Man is fallen with corruption,
But You sent Your dear Son.
God commends His kindness and love toward us,
In that while we were yet sinners
Christ died for us.

God You did not spare Him,
Your beloved Son.
Father, how we praise You
For this precious One!

2. Who can know the love from our Father’s being?
Ears have never heard, eyes have never seen,
But Lord, I’ve been redeemed.
God is love. O God, a man You became;
A cursed man to be, God, You died for me.
Lord, You hung from a tree.

Father, You have sent Him,
Your beloved Son.
He shed His blood on Calvary.
Your love reached me.

3. God so loved the world that He gave us His Son.
Just believe in Him. Be not perishing,
But have eternal life.
Just believe in Him. Be not perishing,
But have eternal life.




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