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예수의 증거

*작사:Brighton / 작곡:May Lee*

1. 주 예수님 당신을 사랑합니다
당신은 우릴 매혹하시네요
많은 때 우린 세상을 향해 가지만
당신은 우릴 포기 안해요

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우리에게 나타나셔
우리를 불러내시고
은혜를 부어 주소서

우린 세상에서 분별되어
주님 사랑하고
서로 사랑해 열매를 맺어
예수의 증거 되어 가리라

2. 주 예수님 당신을 따르기 원해
당신의 동반자 되기 원해요
아직은 우린 장래를 관심하지만
당신의 갈망 알기 원해요

오 사랑의 하나님
우릴 함께 섞으시고
생명 안에서 자라서
주님의 표현 되게 해

우린 세상에서 분별되어
주님 사랑하고
서로 사랑해 열매를 맺어
예수의 증거 되어 가리라




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"님의 댓글"


  • The Comfort Abounds
    He's the Father of compassions, The God of all comfort, Comforting us in a personal way. Though the sufferings abound, Christ the Comfort abounds. Partake of the Comfort today. The...
  • 오 그리스도만이
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  • My wandering days grew increasingly empty
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  • There's a life that's deeper than our mind
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  • I am the Vine, you are the branches
    I am the vine, You are the branches, He who abides in Me and I in him. He bears much fruit For apart from Me, apart from Me you can do nothing. Abide in Me, and I in you, For the b...
  • 사람마다 주 예수 필요해
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  • Rise up, come away
    The voice of my Beloved! He comes leaping on the mountains And says unto me, His love, To rise up, come away. For the winter is past, the rain Turned to flow'rs; now the earth is s...
  • Just one touch
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  • Someone
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  • Oh The Joy - And They Overcame
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  • 우리의 뜻대로 가는 길
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  • Splendid church life! His green garden!
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  • He’s my God
    1. From the morning to the evening, His faithfulness I see; His mercy reaching sinners, reaching even me; And I know, now I know. Brighter than the brightest sunlight, all doubts a...
  • 휘장 안에 그 은밀한데 거해
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  • 생명 빛 가운데 살며
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    When this poor sinner stands at last Perfected as a son, I'll praise my God for many things But most what mercy's done. While far from God and dead in sin Rich mercy did abound; I ...
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