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I need You, Jesus

첨부 1




1. I need You, Jesus,
More and more each day.
I can’t live without You,
Most wonderful One!

I need You, Lord,
More and more every day.
I can’t live without You,
Oh, most wonderful One!

2. My lovely Bridegroom,
Oh, most pleasant One,
Take me in Your chambers,
Sustain me with love!

I need You, Lord,
More and more every day.
I can’t live without You,
Oh, most wonderful One!

3. Jesus, just kiss me,
Kisses of Your mouth.
Grace upon Thy lips is
So sweet to my taste.

I need You, Lord,
More and more every day.
I can’t live without You;
I need Your sweet taste.

4. I’m sick with love.
Thy banner over me is love.
You have ravished my heart,
None other for me.

I need You, Lord,
More and more every day.
I can’t live without You.
I’ve been ravished by Thee.

5. I love my Master.
I’ll not go out free.
Take my ear to the door post
And bore it for Thee.

I need You, Lord,
More and more every day.
I can’t live without You,
Oh, most wonderful One!

6. Make haste, Beloved!
Come quickly soon!
Jesus, our desire.
Thy Bride calls for Thee.

Come quickly, Lord,
We can’t wait anymore.
Please make haste, dear Beloved!
Your Bride calls for Thee.
Come quickly, Lord, Amen.




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