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Recall how David swore

첨부 1




1. Recall how David swore,
“I’ll not come into my house,
Nor go up to my bed,
Give slumber to mine eyelids,
Until I find a place for Thee,
A place, O Lord, for Thee.”
Our mighty God desires a home
Where all His own may come.

2. How blinded we have been,
Shut in with what concerns us;
While God’s house lieth waste—
Lord, break through, overturn us;
We’ll go up to the mountain,
Bring wood and build the house;
We’ll never say, “Another day!”
It’s time! We’ll come and build!

3. O Lord, against these days,
Inspire some for Your building,
Just as in Ezra’s day—
A remnant who are willing
To come and work in Your house,
Oh, what a blessed charge!
Your heart’s desire, is our desire—
We come, O Lord, to build.

4. Within those whom You’d call
Put such a restless caring
For building to give all—
These times are for preparing;
The gates of hell cannot prevail
Against the builded Church!
The hours are few, the builders too—
Lord, build, O build in us!




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