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What made You die for me

첨부 1




1. What made You, Lord, to die for me?
Why would You die for me, Your enemy?
You took my place to hang on a tree,
To be a curse, a curse for me.

What made You die for me?
I was Your enemy.
Lord, You became a curse for me.
Oh, what a mystery!
My God, You died for me!
You died for me, Your enemy.

2. I never thought that You would be
So full of love and tender mercy.
How could You love a person like me?
You loved me, dear Jesus, Your enemy.

3. You loved me, Lord, so very long;
And with a love enduring and strong.
Although I mocked and cursed You so long,
You waited and prayed for me all along.

4. I was a man who was just sin,
Which issued in a life full of sins.
My heart toward You was in rebellion,
But, Lord, You touched me with Your compassion.

Your love has conquered me,
Even Your enemy.
In love, dear Lord, You came to me.
Nothing could change me
But love and mercy.
Your love, dear Lord, has conquered me.

5. One little turn and You were there,
Waiting for me with Your loving care.
How could I still remain Your enemy?
Your love, dear Jesus, disarmed me.




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