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God’s Heart

첨부 1




1. Have you realized before the foundation of the world
You were marked out?
You cannot escape God’s hand,
Even though you’ve tried a number of times.
The more you try, the stronger He grasps you,
Wherever you go, He is there!
Oh we’ll never rest, ’till we love Him the best,
This lovely One—has us in His heart.

2. It is also by Your mercy we’ve seen
Something so deep in Your heart.
You came to earth and sold all You had
To buy this great pearl of worth.
Oh save me Lord, from chasing vanity,
From selfish dreams, from all that’s binding me—
There’s nothing so high in this universe
As giving ourselves—for what’s on Your heart.

3. You have purposed in time that You’ll build Your church
That nothing prevails over her.
As we flee to meet with the saints,
You’re building Christ into our hearts.
Oh this is not an outward activity!
A meaningful life, one day all men will see—
Oh Lord stir our hearts, to never depart,
To give all we are—for Christ and the church.




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