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God the Creator became a God-man

첨부 1




1. God the Creator became a God-man,
His death redeemed us for His glorious plan.
Now in resurrection the Spirit’s released
Producing the church.
This is God’s masterpiece.

2. Lord, You are my choice.
I have seen Your beauty.
I belong to You
Now and evermore.
You’re my only choice
Lord, You are so lovely.
Lord I give all for Your masterpiece.

3. Lord, I love You.
There is no other.
I’ll love You always.
Lord, I love You.
My heart is recovered.
Lord, I give all for Your masterpiece.

4. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for capturing me.
Thank You, Lord, I now experience Thee.
By feasting! Enjoying!
Your Life would increase.
Thank You, Lord,
I’m part of God’s masterpiece.




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다음글 : God’s Heart

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