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그는 내게 입맞추길 원하니

*출처:Hymnal.net / 번안:Praisenote*

1. 그는 내게 입맞추길 원하니
북풍이나 남풍이 불어와도
당신은 내 사랑 네 눈은 비둘기같아
그가 내게 입맞추길 원하-네

당신만을 진정 사랑-해
친밀하고 달콤하고 귀한 내 사랑
당신만-을 진정 사랑-해
영원토록 소중한 예수님을

2. 단순하고 순수한 백합 되어
타고난 역량과 힘을 버리고
생명 안의 풍성을 누리며 신뢰하리
그가 내게 입맞추길 원하-네

3. 너는 동산의 샘 생수의 우물
생명에서 산출된 귀한 향품
부활 생명 표현해 승천 안에 안식해
그가 내게 입맞추길 원하-네

4. 그의 신부 새 예루살렘 되어
그의 임재 그곳에서 누리네
그의 신실함 인해 수고하며 섬기리
그가 내게 입맞추길 원하-네

5. 그의 입맞춤은 영원히 남아
사랑 안에 그와 다스리게 해
그가 나를 보았네 모두가 알게 되리
그가 내게 입맞추길 원하-네




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"님의 댓글"


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  • Set your mind on the things which are above
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  • Seek ye the Lord all ye people
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  • Seek the Lord while He may be found
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  • Rivers of living water
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  • Rise up, stand up, look up, build up
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  • Rise Up, My Love
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  • Rise up, come away
    The voice of my Beloved! He comes leaping on the mountains And says unto me, His love, To rise up, come away. For the winter is past, the rain Turned to flow'rs; now the earth is s...
  • Remove My Covering, Lord
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  • Reigning in Life
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  • Recover My Heart
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  • Recover My Heart
    1. I just realized dear Lord, You’ve had a longing Deep within Your heart from the beginning. Just to have a companion who would match You, Who would know You, want You, and ...
  • Recall how David swore
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  • Recall how David swore
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  • Pursue Him and know Him
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  • Preserve me, O God
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  • Praise the Lord! The God of glory
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  • Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night
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  • Our Story
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  • Our spirit is our organ to receive God
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