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*출처:Hymnal.net / 번안:Praisenote*

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"님의 댓글"


  • Fresh as the dew of the morning
    1. Fresh as the dew of the morning, Bringing a sweet rest unheard, Christ, in the gentle anointing, Whispers His comforting word: Stand till the trial is over, Stand till the tempe...
  • What miracle! What mystery!
    1. What miracle! What mystery! That God and man should blended be! God became man to make man God, Untraceable economy! From His good pleasure, heart’s desire, His highest goal att...
  • Remove My Covering, Lord
    1. Remove my covering, Lord, That I may see Thy light, And be deceived no more, But all things see aright. Oh, may Thy living light, Lord, Scatter all my night, Lord, And everythin...
  • 이젠 내가 살지 않아
    *작사:Eugene Lee / 작곡:May Lee* 이젠 내가 살지 않아 내 안에 영광의 소망인 주 그가 사네 이 비밀의 영광 안에 거할 때 그 모든 부요함 체험하네 하나님의 비밀인 그리스도 모든 지혜 지...
  • 주께 내 맘 드려요
    *출처:Hymnal.net / 번안:Praisenote* 주께 내 맘 드려요 내 모든 것 영원히 주를 누려 주께 내 맘 드려요 내 모든 것 영원히 주를 누려 사랑하는 이 기쁨 내 사랑 주의 임재 안에 잠기네 그...
  • Lord Make Us Dreamers
    1. Lord make us dreamers who dream Your dream. Give us a vision that controls and directs our lives. May we have your vision to reign in every situation. Living according to what w...
  • Morning Dew
    1. Sun in the day, the moon at night, declare how great is Thy Lovingkindness and Thy faithfulness (Psalm 92:2) Give life and breath to man, Your race Longing for them to seek Your...
  • Oh, The flowing Triune God
    1. Oh! The flowing Triune God! Oh! How He satisfies all! He is so available! Every time I call! God the Father is the source, Christ the Son is the course, And the Spirit is the fl...
  • What a happy day
    1. What a happy day When I no more could turn away, When Jesus took my heart from the black of night Into the kingdom of His light. 2. Now my life’s begun, The “really life” that’s...
  • 주님의 사랑 나를 강권해
    *출처:Hymnal.net / 번안:Praisenote* 1. 주님의 사랑 나를 강권해 극도로 그를 사랑하도록 내 깊은 속을 만진 그 사랑 나의 온 존재를 헌신하게 해 뛰어난 주 날 매혹해 그의 부름에 응답해 ...
  • I might fail but I will never be forsaken
    1. I can't believe it, that I could fall so low In spite of all I know, despite how much I've grown My Lord, I have not one excuse to give Dare I ever look You in the face again? 2...
  • We’re feeding on the living bread
    1. We’re feeding on the living bread, We’re drinking at the fountainhead; And whoso drinketh, Jesus said, Shall never, never thirst again. What, never thirst again? No, never thirs...
  • My song shall be of Jesus
    1. My song shall be of Jesus; His mercy crowns my days, He fills my cup with blessings, And tunes my heart to praise. My song shall be of Jesus, The precious Lamb of God, Who gave ...
  • We have oil in our lamps—we are burning
    1. We have oil in our lamps—we are burning! We have oil in our lamps today! To the spirit, O Lord, keep us turning, Keep us turning, turning all the way! O Lord! Amen! Hallelujah! ...
  • 나는 야심도 큰 뜻도 없으며
    *작사:Witness Lee / 작곡:May Lee* 나는 야심도 큰 뜻도 없으며 목표도 없고 전망도 없으며 방향도 없고 선택도 없으며 희망도 없고 성취도 없으며 단순히 모든 것을 내려놓고 단순히 나의 ...
  • Oh how sweet it is just to know my Christ
    1. Oh how sweet it is just to know my Christ! Knowing Him's the goal of my whole life. Gaining Him supplies me, day by day, He's rich, He's excellent in every way. I'm fully captu...
  • And we have the prophetic word
    And we have the prophetic word Made more firm, to which you do well To give heed as to a lamp Shining in a dark place, Until the day dawns And the morning star Rises in your hearts...
  • 주님은 어린 아이들과
    *작사:May Lee / 작곡:May Lee* 주님은 어린 아이들과 젖먹이들을 얻으시기 위해 우리를 방문해 오셨네 긴 여행의 과정을 거쳐 우리는 거듭나서 어린 아이와 젖먹이 되었네 주님은 가장 약한 ...
  • 꿀같이 달콤한 주님
    *작사:조이 / 작곡:나영* 꿀같이 달콤한 주님 사랑의 물결 위에 난 서있네 그 사랑 강같이 흐르네 포근한 주님의 음성 난 만지네 주님의 사랑 날 깨우고 회복시켜 이젠 평안해 꿀같이 달콤한 ...
  • 가끔 하늘 맑아도 - 워치만 니(1952년, 투옥 전)
    1. 가끔 하늘 맑아도 늘 검은 구-름뿐 어두운 밤 부른 달콤한 찬송 늘 소리 없이 불러 맑지 않은 늘 흐린 하늘이 날 인내하-게 해 하나님 맘 기쁨 구하도록 나를 강권하네- 사방이 메-말라 시원...