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Seek ye the Lord all ye people

첨부 1




1. Seek ye the Lord all ye people,
Turn to Him while He is near,
Let the wicked forsake his own way,
And Call on Him while He may hear.
Ho, everyone who is thirsty,
Come to the waters of life,
Come and drink of the milk and the wine,
Come without money and price.

And there is peace like a river,
And glory divine,
If you'll come to the water,
If you'll taste of His wine,
There is love ever flowing,
And joy ever full,
And there's life everlasting
For us all.

2. For you shall go out in joy,
And be led forth in peace.
The montians and hills before you shall sing,
And the trees of the fields clap their hands.
Instead of the thorns shall come cypress,
And myrtle replace every brier,
And it shall be to remember the Lord,
And everlasting sign.




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