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Dearest Lord I come

첨부 1




Dearest Lord I come
This is now my prayer
Keep me open to You
May I always love You.

Chorus: Lord, I love You more today
So much more than yesterday
Lord, I need You
Lord, I love You.

Now that the choice is mine
Lord, I still choose You
Though the paths be not marked
I'm still trusting in You.

And if the way is hard
If things don't go my way
Keep my heart soft to You
Keep me open to You.

Dearest Lord I pray
Lead me ev'ry day
Don't let things come between
Keep my eyes fixed on You.

when many years have gone
And many things have passed
I will still be for You
I will still say to You:




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다음글 : Oneness
이전글 : 하나님의 경륜

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