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He Stepped Out of Glory

첨부 1




1. He stepped out of glory
And put on the lowly
And life's very author
A creature became
Despised and forsaken
Afflicted with sorrow
From infinite splender
To the likeness of shame

2. He chose to be humbled
He chose limitation
He chose to be finite
He chose to be man
God's unfathomed purpose
Found substance in Jesus
A two-natured being -
The unique God-man

3. His own shell was broken
Releasing His glory
This life-impartation
Produced many grains
The firstborn rejoices
With His many brothers
An incorporation
Divine and human

4. We can not but love Him
Our lovely forerunner
His shame was our vict'ry
His anguish our enjoy
The children of judgement
He brought into glory
The millions of God-men
Forever rejoice




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