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문서 (325)

  • 찬송자료 | I love Thee, Jesus
    1. I love Thee, Jesus, And Thy love to me Draws me, ever to seek Thee And run after Thee, Draws me, ever to seek Thee And run after Thee. Thou art beloved, Yea! Altogether lovely, The One in whom my heart delighteth. 2. Thy love, Lord Jesus, Is sweeter than wine, And Thy fragranc...
    관리자 | 2013-10-30 12:09 | 조회 수 4319
  • 찬송자료 | What can wash away my sin? 1
    1. What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 2. For my cleansing this I see— Nothing but the...
    관리자 | 2013-10-29 09:33 | 조회 수 4975
  • 변증자료 | 지방교회에 대한 이단 변증가들의 재평가
    아래 기사는 미국 복음주의 진영을 대표하는 크리스챠니티 투데이(Christianity Today)지의 2009년 1월 26일자 특집기사를 번역 소개한 것입니다. Theology in the News Cult Watchers Reconsider Former detractors of Nee and Lee now endorse 'local churches.' Collin Hansen | posted 1/26/2009 0...
    관리자 | 2013-10-25 11:46 | 조회 수 12752
  • 찬송자료 | Lord, I love You more and more each day
    1. Lord, I love You more and more each day. Lord, I love You more this very day. I can’t live without You anymore. I can’t make it like I did before. 2. Oh, those years when I was void of You. Lord, You rescued me when I was through. When I reminisce those other years, Emptiness,...
    관리자 | 2013-10-23 14:50 | 조회 수 5327
  • 찬송자료 | That’s why I love Him
    1. What about my sinful past? And my conscience has no rest. Deep within I feel the pain. I’m condemned from all my guilty stains. 2. O my life of misery, In this world of vanity, As I searched for happiness, My reward I received just emptiness. 3. God was far away from me, Great...
    관리자 | 2013-10-22 11:19 | 조회 수 12479
  • 찬송자료 | We are the generation
    1. We are the generation The Lord has waited for. He has sought us and pursued us. When we touched Him, He renewed us. Now the time has come For all the young To be in touch with Him! 2. God loves this generation— He chose us for His plan. We were young and disillusioned In the a...
    관리자 | 2013-10-21 10:25 | 조회 수 23384
  • 찬송자료 | Grace be with you all
    All who are with me greet you. All who are with me greet you. Greet those who love us, Who love us in faith. Grace be with you all. Faith, referring to subjective faith, the act of our believing, which brings us into an organic union with the Lord and operates through love. It is...
    관리자 | 2013-10-16 11:18 | 조회 수 15789
  • 찬송자료 | Christ liveth in me
    1. Once far from God and dead in sin, No light my heart could see; But in God's Word the light I found, Now Christ liveth in me. Chorus: Christ liveth in me, Christ liveth in me; Oh! what a salvation this, That Christ liveth in me. 2. As rays of light from yonder sun, The flow'rs...
    관리자 | 2013-10-15 13:15 | 조회 수 47462
  • 찬송자료 | A life of no regrets
    What caused Mary to give her all? What moved Peter to answer Your call? Many lives were wasted for Your testimony; Oh Lord, why do these people care so much for Thee? See the vision of Christ and the church; Count the cost; reckon all things as loss; Pay the price. The prize to g...
    관리자 | 2013-10-14 10:25 | 조회 수 4414
  • 찬송자료 | Come, Lord Jesus
    1. As we become the same as Christ In life, nature, expression, and function, We are qualified to work with Him For His Body. 2. As we trust in the Lord helplessly, Depend on Him as our love and strength, And listen to His speaking, Our hope is to be raptured Through the redempti...
    관리자 | 2013-10-09 11:10 | 조회 수 4094