문서 (382)

  • 찬송자료 | O Glorious Divine Love
    Since long before the world began, In Your heart You longed for a Bride; 'Tis mutual dwelling, Your glorious plan; With me e'er to abide. Not knowing Your heart, I sinned and thus should die; Yet You shed Your blood to set me free. You gave me Your life, to me drew nigh; Wondrous...
    관리자 | 2013-06-08 11:13 | 조회 수 4739
  • 찬송자료 | He's the Spirit of reality
    1. He’s the Spirit of reality, Pneumatic Christ, the Firstborn Son in me, The consummation of the Triune God, Life-giving Spirit, all-inclusive Christ Intensified sevenfold. 2.He’s the Spirit of Reality. He’s the secret. He is one with me; He’s in my spirit. God dispensed in me F...
    관리자 | 2013-06-07 11:00 | 조회 수 4675
  • 찬송자료 | God’s economy is His plan to dispense Himself
    1. God’s economy is His plan to dispense Himself Into His chosen, predestinated, and redeemed people As their life (as their life), their life supply, (their life supply) And their everything To produce (to produce), constitute (constitute), And build up the organic Body of Chris...
    관리자 | 2013-06-06 12:57 | 조회 수 4824
  • 진리의 언덕 | 워치만 니가 본 교회의 이상과 실행
    워치만 니가 본 교회의 이상과 실행 하나님의 마음의 갈망이 그분을 온전히 표현하는 몸된 교회를 얻는 것임을 공감하는 이가 많습니다. 그러한 이상을 보고, 목숨 바쳐 실천한 믿음의 선진들 중에는 워치만 니 형제님도 포함됩니다. 그가 본 교회론은 <영광스러운 교회>(the Glorious Church)라는 책...
    관리자 | 2013-06-04 15:36 | 조회 수 18625
  • 위트니스 리 | 역사 안의 몇 차례 주님의 중대한 회복
    역사 안의 몇 차례 주님의 중대한 회복 청교도들의 반응은 하나님의 뜻을 완성하는 길에 있지 않다 오늘 저녁 우리는 계속하여 주님의 회복의 역사 안에 있는 일들을 보기로 한다. 우리는 교회가 세워진 지 얼마 안 되어 간교한 자가 무언가를 가지고 들어온 것을 언급한 적이 있다. 그 첫째는 종교 곧...
    관리자 | 2013-06-04 11:22 | 조회 수 4239 | 추천 수 1
  • 찬송자료 | Let me stand behind You, Lord
    1. Let me stand behind You, Lord. Let me wash Your feet with my tears. Let me wipe them with my hair. Let me kiss them and anoint them With the ointment. I love You! Jesus, I love You! May I waste my all and life on You. Let me pour the ointment pure On Your head and on Your feet...
    관리자 | 2013-06-01 15:31 | 조회 수 15148
  • 찬송자료 | A Divine Romantic Story
    1. There is a great mystery, A wonderful story; For ages ’twas hidden, Now shown in His wisdom; ’Tis a divine romance Of God and man in time; Beyond understanding, Yet seen in God’s speaking. God fell in love with man; For only God’s love can Make man just the same as He In life ...
    관리자 | 2013-05-31 10:48 | 조회 수 16535
  • 찬송자료 | A lover of Christ
    1. A lover of Christ should be one Who's attracted by His love And drawn by His sweetness To pursue after Him, pursue after Him, Pursue Him for full satisfaction. 2. A lover of Christ should be one Who is called by Him To be delivered From the self through His oneness With the cr...
    관리자 | 2013-05-30 12:32 | 조회 수 5085
  • 찬송자료 | Something Every Heart Is Loving
    1. Something every heart is loving: If not Jesus, none can rest; Lord, my heart to Thee is given; Take it, for it loves Thee best. 2. Thus I cast the world behind me; Jesus most beloved shall be; Beauteous more than all things beauteous, He alone is joy to me. 3. Bright with all ...
    관리자 | 2013-05-24 12:50 | 조회 수 5028
  • 찬송자료 | All my life long I had panted
    1. All my life long I had panted For a draught from some cool spring, That I hoped would quench the burning Of the thirst I felt within. Hallelujah! I have found Him Whom my soul so long has craved! Jesus satisfies my longings; Through His life I now am saved. 2. Feeding on the h...
    관리자 | 2013-05-22 10:04 | 조회 수 16446