문서 (5)

  • 변증자료 | Apologetic Methods - 변증 방법들
    Apologetic Methods (1) Hank and Elliot discussed the importance of doing discernment ministry properly and the consequences of statements made in error regarding the local churches. 변증 방법들(1) 행크와 엘리옷은 사역을 합당하게 분별하는 것의 중요성과 지방 교회들에 관하여 잘못 말...
    관리자 | 2013-06-13 11:39 | 조회 수 31646
  • 변증자료 | Research Conclusions - 연구 결론
    Research Conclusions (1) The dialogue between the local churches and CRI began in 2003 when Hank, Gretchen Passantino, and Elliot sat down with representatives of Living Stream Ministry (LSM), which publishes the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, and of the local churches...
    관리자 | 2013-06-12 15:32 | 조회 수 13678
  • 변증자료 | Persecution in China Engendered by Countercult Ministries - 이단 사역에 의해 야기된 중국에서의 핍박
    Persecution in China Engendered by Countercult Ministries Elliot describes his experience of meeting with Christians in the local churches in China. There he sees a revival that is not just emotional but is grounded in orthodox theology, and he recalls the strong moving of the Sp...
    관리자 | 2013-06-11 17:22 | 조회 수 20223
  • 변증자료 | The Local Churches' Practices - 지방 교회들의 실행
    The Local Churches' Practices (1) Hank comments on his realization that the local churches have "something to offer Western Christianity. 지방 교회들의 실행(1) 행크는 지방 교회들이 “서방 기독교계에 기여할 어떤 것”을 가지고 있다는 자신의 깨달음에 대해서 논평한다. T...
    관리자 | 2013-06-10 20:22 | 조회 수 20501
  • 변증자료 | Shortcomings Of An Open Letter - 공개서한의 결함들
    Shortcomings Of An Open Letter (1) Hank and Elliot discussed the open letter and how seventy Christian scholars and ministry leaders could be wrong. Elliot describes the early research done by CRI and commented, "That they [the open letter signers] would be wrong only follows sin...
    관리자 | 2013-06-08 10:52 | 조회 수 14647