Article (382)

  • 찬송자료 | Christ liveth in me
    1. Once far from God and dead in sin, No light my heart could see; But in God's Word the light I found, Now Christ liveth in me. Chorus: Christ liveth in me, Christ liveth in me; Oh! what a salvation this, That Christ liveth in me. 2. As rays of light from yonder sun, The flow'rs...
    관리자 | Oct 15, 2013 13:15 | Views 47462
  • 찬송자료 | A life of no regrets
    What caused Mary to give her all? What moved Peter to answer Your call? Many lives were wasted for Your testimony; Oh Lord, why do these people care so much for Thee? See the vision of Christ and the church; Count the cost; reckon all things as loss; Pay the price. The prize to g...
    관리자 | Oct 14, 2013 10:25 | Views 4414
  • 찬송자료 | Come, Lord Jesus
    1. As we become the same as Christ In life, nature, expression, and function, We are qualified to work with Him For His Body. 2. As we trust in the Lord helplessly, Depend on Him as our love and strength, And listen to His speaking, Our hope is to be raptured Through the redempti...
    관리자 | Oct 09, 2013 11:10 | Views 4090
  • 찬송자료 | Nothing’s quite so precious
    1. Nothing’s quite so precious As Jesus in my spirit. He takes away the care And fills me with His peace. He never leaves me, E’en as the days grow weary. His presence goes with me. My soul delights to hide in His arms. I call His name, “Lord Jesus, Help me in my weakness.“ So fa...
    관리자 | Oct 08, 2013 13:50 | Views 21748
  • 찬송자료 | My inner parts have yearned for Him
    1. My inner parts have yearned for Him; To my Beloved I now open; My Beloved’s gone, He has withdrawn, I open but He was gone. I am sick with love, I am sick with love for Him. If you find Him, please tell Him that I am sick with love for Him. 2. I sought Him but I found Him not....
    관리자 | Oct 07, 2013 14:29 | Views 4517
  • 찬송자료 | The Lord is my Light and Salvation
    The Lord is my light and salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? One thing have I desired of the Lord, That will I seek; That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And ...
    관리자 | Oct 02, 2013 07:49 | Views 4773
  • 찬송자료 | Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus
    1. Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, Thou hast won each love from me; Who like Thee—so fair and comely? Who like Thee—so sweet and lovely? Matchless One, unrivaled beauty, None can e’er compete with Thee! 2. Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus, Gladly will I hear Thy call; Since Thy v...
    관리자 | Oct 01, 2013 15:02 | Views 4593
  • 찬송자료 | Lord Now I See
    1. Lord, now I see, You only want me to believe Not to change. In all my failures and defeats To believe what You have done, And not in what I see. 2. Lord I believe, When all around me is defeat And it seems that nothing’s changing outwardly. No! I’m not discouraged, I’m believi...
    관리자 | Sep 30, 2013 13:03 | Views 4567
  • 찬송자료 | I heard the voice of Jesus say
    1. I heard the voice of Jesus say, "Come unto Me, and rest; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast." I came to Jesus as I was, Weary, and worn, and sad; I found in Him a resting-place, And He has made me glad. 2. I heard the voice of Jesus say, "Behold, I free...
    관리자 | Sep 23, 2013 10:51 | Views 4624
  • 찬송자료 | Lord, You Love Me So Immensely
    Lord, You love me so immensely; I would love You more intensely. Every day and every moment, O Lord, capture me. Let my goal and my life’s theme be, Lord, to love You more supremely; With all my heart, Lord Jesus, Keep me faithful unto Thee. Draw me, Lord, each day. Take my veils...
    관리자 | Sep 20, 2013 10:58 | Views 4801