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문서 (311)

  • 찬송자료 | Nearer each day
    1. Nearer each day to me, Dearer each day to me, This Person inside me is Becoming reality. Saving me, loving me, Faith and hope giving me. You're all the world to me Jesus, my Lord. 2. Even when faith is small, When there's no hope at all, I hear Him say to me, Trust in Me and y...
    관리자 | 2013-07-12 14:21 | 조회 수 4438
  • 찬송자료 | God has called us for His purpose
    1. God has called us for His purpose, His economy so glorious, For which He was fully processed; Consummated now is He! As the Spirit, He indwells us; As our God alloted portion, Working out His full salvation, Making us the same as He is. Oh, may a clear, controlling vision of T...
    관리자 | 2013-07-08 09:51 | 조회 수 4482 | 추천 수 1
  • 찬송자료 | Give yourself to love the Lord
    1. Give yourself to love the Lord. No other way is so prevailing And no other way, no other way is so safe. 2. Give yourself to love the Lord. No other way is so rich, And so full, oh so full, of enjoyment. Each morning we must rise up and say to Him, "Lord Jesus, I love You." 3....
    관리자 | 2013-07-05 09:52 | 조회 수 4093
  • 찬송자료 | What things were gains to me
    1. What things were gains to me, These I now count as loss. Jesus has set me free From what I was! All of the things I had; Everything, good or bad, I count as refuse That I may gain Christ! I won't give up! I will keep running until I have attained The goal of my calling! I must...
    관리자 | 2013-07-04 11:01 | 조회 수 3826
  • 찬송자료 | For her
    1. Don’t you want to know your God? What’s hidden in His heart for you? How much He longs for you to come And open up— To let Him in to every part Let Him reveal what’s on His heart What was the joy set before Him? ◦ It was for her the church—His bride It was for her, willingly H...
    관리자 | 2013-06-29 21:09 | 조회 수 4596
  • 찬송자료 | Though the world may promise me more
    1. Though the world may promise me more, I'm just made to be filled with the Lord. Nor its life worth living a day, For the things that will soon pass away. Doesn't matter how rich or successful I'd be; Or how many pleasures be offered to me. There's nothing that compares to my d...
    관리자 | 2013-06-27 12:50 | 조회 수 4636
  • 찬송자료 | Lord You're Altogether Lovely
    1. Lord You're altogether lovely, You're fairer than the morning You're matchless, sweet, unrivaled You're far beyond compare. Amazing love You have outpoured How could I but love You, Lord Stepping out of glory Son of Man reaching me. 2. Lord, You sought me and pursued me Until ...
    관리자 | 2013-06-24 14:22 | 조회 수 4545
  • 찬송자료 | Lord Jesus, You're lovely
    1. Lord Jesus, You're lovely. You're more to be desired, Than any earthly pleasure. You're fine, beyond compare. Lord Jesus, Your beauty Does far exceed all others. You're comely and You're tender. You're radiant and You're fair. 2. When I behold You Jesus, You draw my heart comp...
    관리자 | 2013-06-17 12:04 | 조회 수 4128
  • 찬송자료 | God wants someone to love Him
    1. God wants someone to love Him, Not just someone to serve Him; He wants someone to love Him As His bride. God wants someone to match Him, Not just to imitate Him; He wants a counterpart, One from His side. For this He came down to us, He came to court, to woo us, Away from ever...
    관리자 | 2013-06-14 12:31 | 조회 수 3963
  • 찬송자료 | Praise the Lord! The God of glory
    1. Praise the Lord! The God of glory Who appeared to Abraham Has appeared to us in spirit For His purpose and His plan! God of glory, God of glory, Do appear to us today, Saturate and permeate us Till You fully have Your way. 2. Once we were in old Chaldea, Worshipping the idols ...
    관리자 | 2013-06-13 11:51 | 조회 수 5051