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Divine anointing in me dwelleth

첨부 1


1. Divine anointing in me dwelleth,
And it teaches me all things;
It ever leads me in the Lord to live
And to me His presence brings.

In my spirit the anointing dwells,
O the anointing dwells and
teaches everything;
In my spirit the anointing dwells
And ever teaches everything.

2. It is the moving of the Spirit
Gracious as the ointment pure;
’Tis based upon the sprinkling of the blood,
And it ever shall endure.

3. With God’s own essence it anoints me,
God to know subjectively,
That I may have His very element
Fully saturating me.

4. ’Tis by this inner life-anointing
I in fellowship may move;
In God, the light of truth, I’m walking,
And the love of grace I prove.



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