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Lord, keep my heart always true to You



Lord keep my heart always true to you,
Never back sliding, always viewing you,
A heart that is pure that sees only you,
A heart that is loves you and treasures only you.

Your love constrains me to give my all to you.
Lord I can't help it, my heart is drawn to you.
oh what a privilege! I give my self to you!
I love you lord, dearest Lord. I love you I just love you!
Lord keep my Love burning brightly for you.
A Love never dwindling always hot for you.
A Love shining brighter all the way for you.
A Love so fresh like the day I forst touched you.
Lord take my life, I present it to you.
If I had a thousand, I'd pour all on you.
Nothing withholding, my all is for you.
My life and my future, dear Lord , is all for you.




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